I'm Just a Dog and I'm Doing Dog Stuff (Music Video)
Adam Schleichkorn
Monday, December 19, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Barry the Dog,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Basically, these dogs are just dogs, and they are doing dog stuff... Woof!
Starring Barry the Rapping Dog, and the return of the Singing Cat, Mylo the Cat. Featuring appearances by Rhett (Strongest Dog Ever), Mush (Galz's Dog), Maddy (Dramatic Puppy), Pitty Pat, Hank, Madeline, Mammy, Scrappy, Sammy, Whitie, Lola, and Roxie.
Starring Barry the Rapping Dog, and the return of the Singing Cat, Mylo the Cat. Featuring appearances by Rhett (Strongest Dog Ever), Mush (Galz's Dog), Maddy (Dramatic Puppy), Pitty Pat, Hank, Madeline, Mammy, Scrappy, Sammy, Whitie, Lola, and Roxie.
The Smiling Cat Part 9
Don't you dare blame me for the continuation of this "series", based on the comments from The Smiling Cat Part 8, this is all your fault!
Highest Jump Ever Part 2
In the long awaited sequel to the classic viral video, "Highest Jump Ever", Galz breaks another record, and once again shows why he is the most dynamic person on Youtube. While Chuck Norris was busy doing lame ass World of Warcraft commercials, Galz went on a 3 month hiatus, and has come back stronger than ever. Featuring cameos by Cheech, Head, Playground, and Danny B of the Station Softball Reality Show.
Galzed is the new Rick Roll. You have just been Galzed.
Galzed is the new Rick Roll. You have just been Galzed.
Cat Does a Barrel Roll!
Adam Schleichkorn
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Mylo the Cat does a freakin barrel roll!
Shortest Video on Youtube Part 7
I mean, if you're going to keep watching these, then Mylo the Cat is going to keep freakin making them.
Shortest Video on Youtube (Autoplay Extended Version)
Mylo the Cat listens to all your requests, and creates an autoplay/extended version of his classic video, "Shortest Video on Youtube".
The Smiling Cat Part 8
There were about 3 comments on "The Smiling Cat Part 7" that said they wanted to see part 8, and that was enough for Mylo the Cat to keep this sorry attempt at a series going.
Shortest Video on Youtube Part 6
Adam Schleichkorn
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
If you didn't like this one, sorry to waste a second of your precious time. If you did, then bitch yea bro, bitch yea!
A Cat's Thoughts on Ridiculousness
Mylo the Cat reviews the new MTV show "Ridiculousness" starring Rob Dyrdek.
Ultimate Cat Tease Part 3
Mylo the Cat gets angry when his producer breaks the news to him, that these Ultimate Dog Tease Spoofs are never going to go viral.
The Shortest Video on Youtube Part 5
Mylo the Cat thinks it's hilarious that these absurd videos have turned into a series.
The Smiling Cat Part 7
For some reason, Mylo the Cat continues to keep this "series" of smiling cat videos going.
The History of my Youtube Failures (As Told by Mylo the Cat)
Mylo the Cat goes over the history of his and Hidden Track TV's Youtube Failures, showing each time that they almost became popular, and also finally providing an explanation on why he is so angry. This is a true story.
Worst Music Video Ever
Weird and terrible music video, ends abruptly and hilariously.
Starring DT, aka the Worst Rapper Ever, and the Creepy Old White Rapper.
Me Watching Me Watching Me Watching Me
Mylo the Cat's producer steps in front of the camera for the first time in years, to create the first video idea he ever had, which is him watching himself, watching himself, watching himself.
Best Skateboarder Ever
Galz is officially the Best Skateboarder Ever. Galz's technique is flawless, and he can bust out any trick in the book. Chuck Norris can't even do a kick flip, and is more of a longboard kinda guy. Galzed is the new rick roll. You have just been Galzed.
Annoying Jerk Cat Part 2
Although Mylo the Cat is now one of the most beloved cats on the internet, he can still sometimes be an annoying jerk.
Best Unsigned White Rapper Ever
DT is the... Best Unsigned White Rapper Ever. DT is a legend in the underground rap world, and is pretty much the only unknown dude on Youtube who has been consistently putting out hot tracks for years. You may remember DT from such classics as "White Kid Rapping - Kills it!", "Worst Rapper Ever (Exposed)", and "Creepy Old White Rapper - Kills it!".
Song by DT titled "Lost", off the album "From Mi to Li". Brought to you by Hidden Track TV.
Song by DT titled "Lost", off the album "From Mi to Li". Brought to you by Hidden Track TV.
Mylo the Cat vs. John Basedow
Mylo the Cat interviews the star of Fitness Made Simple, John Basedow, at the Google Offices in New York City.
The Galz Show - Episode 1
Galz attends the Polar Bear Swim in Long Beach, NY, where thousands of people jump into the ocean, in the middle of the winter. This is the debut episode of The Galz Show, starring Galz, the owner of over 40 world records, and the best athlete ever.
Shortest Video on Youtube Part 3
After months of writing, re-writing, filming, and editing, Mylo the Cat brings you the Shortest Video on Youtube Part 3.
White Kid Rapping - Kills It! (Part 3)
The White Kid Rapping is back with his 3rd freestyle. DT, aka the worst rapper ever, continues to prove that he is the best rapper on Youtube.
Longest Putt Ever
Adam Schleichkorn
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Galz Breaks Records,
Hidden Track TV,
Galz breaks the world record for the longest putt ever, in the entire history of golf. Galz has never taken a lesson, and is a scratch golfer, while Chuck Norris tees off from the ladies tees, and 3-putts every single hole. Galzed is the new Rick Roll. You have just been Galzed.
How to Get Subscribers on Youtube
Mylo the Cat reveals the secret to getting a bunch of subscribers on Youtube, with this fast and easy method.
The Smiling Cat Part 6
One of Mylo the Cat's ladies reveals some devastating news to him, and this is his reaction caught live on tape.
Best Levitator Ever
Adam Schleichkorn
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Galz Breaks Records,
Hidden Track TV,
Galz pulls off a levitation that's so incredible, Criss Angel and David Blaine are now contemplating retirement. Chuck Norris would never be able to pull this off, because he's all religious and stuff, and doesn't "believe" in magic. Galzed is the new Rick Roll. You have just been Galzed.
Shortest Video on Youtube Part 2
Mylo the Cat brings you the long-awaited sequel to the Shortest Video on Youtube.
Ultimate Cat Tease Part 2
Mylo the Cat gets fed up with his producer, as they spoof "The Ultimate Dog Tease". It's really not Mylo's fault for getting mad, he's just a cat, and he's doing cat stuff.
Most Hated Video on Youtube
Mylo the Cat shows 3 of his old videos, and asks you to decide which one is the... Most Hated Video on Youtube.
Mylo the Cat on ABC News
A story by ABC News of the recent viral video by Mylo the Cat, called 'I'm Just a Cat and I'm Doing Cat Stuff'. Mtc yall!
Dog Steals Shoe
Mush the Dog steals a shoe from our friend, and then makes a run for it! Mush, a polar lab who's making his internet debut, is owned by the often-hated internet star, Galz.
Best Sleeper Ever
Galz breaks yet another world record, and is now officially the best sleeper ever! Chuck Norris wakes up 3 times throughout the night, and might have a slight case of sleep apnea, while Galz can sleep through a freakin hurricane. Galzed is the new rick roll. You have just been Galzed.
@Haters You just clicked on a video called Best Sleeper Ever, and I'm the asshole?
@Haters You just clicked on a video called Best Sleeper Ever, and I'm the asshole?
VIDEO: Rapping Cat Becomes Web Sensation
Who would've thought that a cat "rapping" about, well, doing "cat stuff" could heat up the web waves the way this one has. If this doesn't make your Tuesday morning a little brighter, we're not sure what will.
How is this Not Viral?
This guy runs full speed into a wooden fence, and smashes right through it!
I'm Just a Cat and I'm Doing Cat Stuff (Remix)
Mylo the Cat drops a remix of the song "I'm Just a Cat and I'm Doing Cat Stuff". Sorry, we couldn't get Kanye to do it, sorry. Bitches.
I'm Just a Cat and I'm Doing Cat Stuff (Music Video)
Adam Schleichkorn
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Barry the Dog,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Basically, Mylo the Cat is just a cat, and he's doing cat stuff... What!
Station Softball Reality Show - Episode 21
Adam Schleichkorn
Adam Schleichkorn,
Garrett Steinger,
Hidden Track TV,
Station Softball Reality Show,
Episode 21 - Station play their last double-header of the regular season, looking to gain momentum heading into the playoffs. It's been a long season, and everyone has had just about enough of each other, which causes the team to take their anger out on Galz.
Best Android App Ever - The Magic App
Adam Schleichkorn
Adam Schleichkorn,
Galz Breaks Records,
Garrett Steinger,
Hidden Track TV,
Galz debuts the brand new "Magic" app, the best android app ever (also available on the iphone). Galz owns a Droid, a Blackberry, and an iPhone, while Chuck Norris still uses a beeper. Cameo by Garrett Steinger, the 2nd Worst Basketball Player Ever. Galzed is the new rick roll. You have just been Galzed.
The Best of The Smiling Cat
Mylo the Cat shows highlights of his favorite moments, from episodes 1-5 of the Smiling Cat series.
Cat Runs into Stove!
Mylo the Cat gets a little overzealous during the filming of his Angry Cat series, as he chases a toy running full speed, and crashes into the stove. Mylo was not hurt at all from this video, he's tough as nails, bro.
Best iPhone App Ever - Get Out of Bad Situations App
Adam Schleichkorn
Adam Schleichkorn,
Galz Breaks Records,
Garrett Steinger,
Hidden Track TV,
Galz debuts the brand new "Get Out of Bad Situations" app, the best iphone app ever. Galz is a master of modern technology, while Chuck Norris still uses one of those old Nokia phones. Cameo by Garrett Steinger, the 2nd Worst Basketball Player Ever. Galzed is the new rick roll. You have just been Galzed.
Dramatic Cat 2011
Mylo the Cat continues to make a claim for being the most dramatic cat of all time. People may hate, and act like cats do this all the time, but Mylo is the only cat who has brought you drama every year since 2008!
Rapping Dog ft. The Singing Cats (Remix)
Since the Rapping Dog and Singing Cats have been spending a ton of time working on their new track, they decided to take a break and put together this remix. Starring Barry the Dog and Mylo the Cat, and featuring Cleo the Cat.
Song titled "Ain't No Love" by Solo for Dolo, off of the debut Full-Length Album by Solo For Dolo "The Truth for the Youth".
Song titled "Ain't No Love" by Solo for Dolo, off of the debut Full-Length Album by Solo For Dolo "The Truth for the Youth".
Kitty Talking!
Mylo the Cat is a kitty who talks and stuff. If you don't like this video, get over it, I got plenty of new stuff coming soon! Bitches.
Animal Responses - Drunk Gaming: Mortal Kombat by Alli
Mylo the Cat shares his thoughts on "Drunk Gaming: Mortal Kombat" by Alli. This is Animal Responses.
Let's Go Yankees!
Mylo the Cat shows his support for the greatest franchise in the history of sports, the New York Yankees.
The 2nd Annual International Talking Kitty Day
It's April 13th, and Mylo the Cat is back with the 2nd Annual International Talking Kitty Day, where we translated his original Talking Kitty Video into 20 different languages! Click the links to bring you to this year's videos...
Hyundai Youtube Musical Shorts - The Pursuit
Hidden Track TV's entry into the Hyundai Youtube Musical Shorts contest, titled "The Pursuit".
Longest Golf Drive Ever
Galz crushes a driver off the tee over 500 yards, and shatters the world record of the Longest Golf Drive Ever. Chuck Norris uses a 5 Wood off the tee, because he constantly slices with his driver, and hits it only about 175 yards. Galz hits his pitching wedge 175. You have just been Galzed.
The Smiling Cat Part 5
Really Mylo? Part 5? Seriously? This is getting ridiculous dude. This face better be good, it better be damn good.
Mylo the Cat is Back!
After being shut down for over a month, the coolest cat on the internet is back, and more pissed than ever! Decide which video should be posted next - 1. Mylo Hates Sxephil 2. International Talking Kitty Day 3. Smiling Cat Part 5 4. Kitty Talking 5. Galz Breaking New Records
A Cat's Thoughts on Charlie Sheen
Adam Schleichkorn
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A Cat's Thoughts,
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Since we haven't seen one Youtube video or anything in the media about Charlie Sheen recently, Mylo the Cat decided it was time to address the subject. In this video, Mylo responds to people's concerns that he is becoming the Charlie Sheen of Youtube. We did not use the new buzz word Winning, because it has already become cheesy as hell.
White Kid Rapping - Kills it! (Part 2)
The dramatic sequel to "White Kid Rapping - Kills it!"... DT is so gangster, that he can rap about Ponies and Rainbows, and still seem cool.
Station Softball Reality Show - Episode 20 - Alternate Episode
Station Softball Reality Show - Episode 20 - Alternate Episode - The following video is made entirely of footage that did not make the final cut of Episode 20, of The Station Softball Reality Show. This is not a Director's cut, or a Deleted Scenes show, ok well it kinda is, but not really. Let's just stop being jerks about it, and call it an Alternate Episode.
Starring: Galz (James Gallagher), Head (Chris Revell), and Garrett Steinger, the 2nd Worst Basketball Player Ever. Featuring cameos by Mylo the Cat and James Catusco, the Worst Basketball Player Ever. Brought to you by Adam Schleichkorn of Hidden Track TV. This show is filmed on a small hand-held HD camera, with a $0 budget.
Starring: Galz (James Gallagher), Head (Chris Revell), and Garrett Steinger, the 2nd Worst Basketball Player Ever. Featuring cameos by Mylo the Cat and James Catusco, the Worst Basketball Player Ever. Brought to you by Adam Schleichkorn of Hidden Track TV. This show is filmed on a small hand-held HD camera, with a $0 budget.
Difficult Cat
Mylo the Cat flips out on set of the video "Dramatic Cat, Again", when he's asked to do another take, and gets in a heated argument with his director, Adam Schleichkorn.
The Smiling Cat Part 4
Adam Schleichkorn
Monday, February 21, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Yo Mylo, part 4 already? This looks like the same clip as part 3! Starring Mylo the Cat, the coolest cat on the internet.
Add Mylo the Cat on Facebook
Add Mylo the Cat on Facebook
Station Softball Reality Show - Episode 20
Adam Schleichkorn
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Garrett Steinger,
Hidden Track TV,
Station Softball Reality Show,
Episode 20 - Station's opponent forfeits this week's game, so the team decides to host their version of Fan Appreciation Day, "Drunken Softball". This annual event is where Station members are split up into 2 teams (Team Galz vs. Team Helmet), and then joined by fans for an alcohol-ridden softball game.
After 8 historic seasons, the most dynamic softball team of all time, gives you a candid look at what it takes to be a "champion". Straight from Huntington Station, New York, this is Station Softball... The Reality Show. This is really as real as real gets.
Starring: Galz (James Gallagher), Head (Chris Revell), and Garrett Steinger, the 2nd Worst Basketball Player Ever. Featuring frequent cameos by Mylo the Cat. Brought to you by Adam Schleichkorn of Hidden Track TV. This show is filmed on a small hand-held HD camera, with a $0 budget.
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After 8 historic seasons, the most dynamic softball team of all time, gives you a candid look at what it takes to be a "champion". Straight from Huntington Station, New York, this is Station Softball... The Reality Show. This is really as real as real gets.
Starring: Galz (James Gallagher), Head (Chris Revell), and Garrett Steinger, the 2nd Worst Basketball Player Ever. Featuring frequent cameos by Mylo the Cat. Brought to you by Adam Schleichkorn of Hidden Track TV. This show is filmed on a small hand-held HD camera, with a $0 budget.
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Response to Haters of my Autotune Animal Videos
Adam Schleichkorn
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Mylo the Cat speaks on behalf of all his fellow Hidden Track TV stars (Barry the Dog, Larry the Lizard, Maddy the Dog) in response to the haters of our Autotune Animal videos.
Best Cartwheel Ever
Galz breaks the world record for the best cartwheel ever! Chuck Norris attempted a cartwheel similar to this, and ended up breaking both of his weak old wrists. You have just been Galzed.
Cameos by Station Softball Reality Show stars Head, Cheech, and Playground.
Cameos by Station Softball Reality Show stars Head, Cheech, and Playground.
Ask Mylo
Mylo the Cat finally answers some of your dumb ass questions. Leave your questions in the comment section for Part 2!
Teh Reel Singin Kitteh
Mylo the Cat's brand new singing cat video made it on Cheezburger, the #1 Pets Website on the entire web!
Mylo the Cat is tired of eating generic brand cat food, so he decided that it was time to branch out from his Singing Animal group, and pursue a solo career. For those of you who don't know him, Mylo is the coolest cat on the internet, and has very small group of very loyal fans, who don't tolerate hater comments. People have been saying that he lip sings better than that weird kid from that 50 Cent video, but we do not agree. That kid is freakin adorable.
Mylo the Cat is tired of eating generic brand cat food, so he decided that it was time to branch out from his Singing Animal group, and pursue a solo career. For those of you who don't know him, Mylo is the coolest cat on the internet, and has very small group of very loyal fans, who don't tolerate hater comments. People have been saying that he lip sings better than that weird kid from that 50 Cent video, but we do not agree. That kid is freakin adorable.
The Real Singing Cat
Adam Schleichkorn
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Mylo the Cat is tired of eating generic brand cat food, so he decided that it was time to branch out from his Singing Animal group, and pursue a solo career. For those of you who don't know him, Mylo is the coolest cat on the internet, and has very small group of very loyal fans, who don't tolerate hater comments. People have been saying that he lip sings better than that weird kid from that 50 Cent video, but we do not agree. That kid is freakin adorable.
Song titled "Figure Out a Way" by Blameshift. Support Indie Music and download it on itunes
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Add Mylo the Cat on Facebook
Cameos by Barry the Dog and Lulu the Cat. If this goes viral, Bababooey mothaf*ckas!
Song titled "Figure Out a Way" by Blameshift. Support Indie Music and download it on itunes
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Add Mylo the Cat on Facebook
Cameos by Barry the Dog and Lulu the Cat. If this goes viral, Bababooey mothaf*ckas!

Check out the first write-up on the Station Softball Reality Show, which is now the #1 most shared story of all time on Huntington Patch!
Station Softball Reality Show's First Write-Up!
Adam Schleichkorn
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Station Softball Reality Show

Check out the first write-up on the Station Softball Reality Show, which is now the #1 most shared story of all time on Huntington Patch!
Shortest Video on Youtube
Adam Schleichkorn
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
All these "Shortest Video on Youtube" videos aren't even remotely funny, so your boy Mylo the Cat decided that it was time to step in.
Excited Autotune Dog Part 3
Barry the Dog continues to collect royalty checks from his original Excited Autotune Dog video, therefore, he continues to make more and more of these videos. He does this shamelessly, I might add. Barry doesn't give a f*ck. BTD ya'll!
Dirtbag Dog
Adam Schleichkorn
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Barry the Dog,
Garrett Steinger,
Hidden Track TV,
James Catusco,
Barry the Dog was caught on camera acting up, and yelling dog obscenities at 2 former Youtube stars.
Cat Penis (Censored)
Adam Schleichkorn
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Adam Schleichkorn,
Hidden Track TV,
Mylo the Cat,
Mylo the Cat becomes part of the first ever Youtube celebrity scandal, when he shows the world his cat penis. Click the annotation or video response for the Uncensored Version.
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- VIDEO: Rapping Cat Becomes Web Sensation
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