The Worst Basketball Player Ever, James Catusco, is back once again showing his skills, and calling out Garrett Steinger, Butterscotch Rainbows, and of course, computer nerds.
Music by Peter Toh titled "American Dream".
Worst Basketball Player Ever Part 5
Adam Schleichkorn
Friday, July 18, 2008
Adam Schleichkorn,
Garrett Steinger,
James Catusco,
Worst Basketball Player Ever Series
Vet Saves Shark
A veterinarian wedges his arm between a shark's toothy jaws to save the animal's life.
MIT Bunny Letter Opener
This bunny is no ordinary bunny. His name is Tex, and he's the most amazing creature in the world. He is a quick and efficient perfectionist. Afterall, he goes to MIT. :-)
JibJab Time for Some Campaignin'
The year wouldn't be complete without JibJab's Time for Some Campaignin'. And what 2008 election would be complete without George Bush, Barack Obama, John McCain and Hillary Clinton? This funny animation has them all, and so much more!
Another Great James Catusco Comment
Adam Schleichkorn
Adam Schleichkorn,
James Catusco,
Random Web Stuff,
Worst Basketball Player Ever Series
"James, you might be the worst basketball player ever, but the guy who does the commentary in the background of your videos is the funniest announcer ever! More videos. We also need more videos of Garret!"
Most people don't know this, but that announcer he's referring is also the person behind the "Savage Speaks" column, which can be found HERE.
Most people don't know this, but that announcer he's referring is also the person behind the "Savage Speaks" column, which can be found HERE.
Harness the power of 400 babies! This clip is incredible, and has 8 Millions views to prove so. It's been around for a little over a year, and I just saw it for the first time, thanks to the link submitted by our boy Violence53.
Make A Hot Girl Laugh: Jiggle All The Way (Episode 12)
Comedians Adam Hunter and Blake Anderson try to induce laughter and labor from the jiggly Jenny Quinn. The concept is great, the girl is hot, but the comedians really aren't that great. It's not that bad, but if you can't sit through it, fast forward to 2:59 for "Things to Do at a Job Interview to Screw with the Interviewer's Head". This 20 second bit thrown in at the end is flat out hilarious! "Refer to yourself as a grown-ass man."
O.J. Mayo Drills Shot from 69 Feet
Rookie O.J. Mayo beats the 1st quarter buzzer with the long range shot on Monday in Las Vegas.
OutKast - "Elevators (Me & You)"
The music video for "Elevators (Me & You)" by OutKast, from the classic album, "ATLiens".
Dana White Post UFC 86
Dana White talks about the results of the Jackson vs Griffin fight and gives his thoughts about the dominance of the UFC amongst other MMA organizations.
James Catusco, the Worst Basketball Player Ever, tends to take a beating the majority of the time, from the computer nerds who leave comments on his videos. Every now and then some one actually leaves a hilarious, and positive comment, so I feel the need to share...
"james is the real deal, even thow i can beat him 1 on 1, to me he is a second chuck norris. i mean hes going to accomplish so much in his career as a basketball player"
We have a ton of new stuff coming from the Worst Basketball Player Ever Series, so Subscribe to our channel ( to get the videos right when they are released!
James Catusco Comment

"james is the real deal, even thow i can beat him 1 on 1, to me he is a second chuck norris. i mean hes going to accomplish so much in his career as a basketball player"
We have a ton of new stuff coming from the Worst Basketball Player Ever Series, so Subscribe to our channel ( to get the videos right when they are released!
Josh Hamilton Hits 28 Home Runs In Home Run Derby
From Monday Night's Home Run Derby, Josh Hamilton hits 28 Home Runs, to crush the Home Run Derby record.
My Drive Thru - Santogold, Julian Casablancas, N.E.R.D produced by Pharrell
The music video for "My Drive Thru" by Santogold, Julian Casablancas, and N.E.R.D, produced by Pharrell. They are pushing this hard body on Youtube, and even bought a spot on the main page. Kudos to whoever is behind the marketing of this track, it seems as if they truly do understand what the future is.
Radiohead - "House of Cards"
In Radiohead's new video for "House of Cards", no cameras or lights were used. Instead, 3D plotting technologies collected information about the shapes and relative distances of objects. The video was created entirely with visualizations of that data.
Directed by James Frost
From the album IN RAINBOWS
Directed by James Frost
From the album IN RAINBOWS
Heeeyyyyy, what’s up people? Long time no talky. I was away on one of my many adventures this past week or two, so forgive me for not writing many articles. Rest assured that I am back on track, and new articles with zany and brilliant topics are on the way for your enjoyment. In today’s installation, I will list the top 10 comic book movies ever made. With “The Dark Knight” coming out soon, I feel this is a good time to bestow this knowledge upon you, my loyal serfs. So without further discussion and a-doody:
10. X-Men - Now might be a good time to mention I never actually read any comic books. Only nerds, like you nerds, read these things. However, I damn sure know a quality movie when I sees it. X-Men was good. That wolfie guy with the claws was scary yet ever so gentle. And who doesn’t like the purple hot chick? Am I right? Huh? Am I?
9. Spiderman - From the guy who Dr. Gonzo and Mr. Raul Duke traumatized to a bad ass super hero Rico Suave type, Tobey Mac sure has made some progress. This was a cool movie because it’s real. And I believe Willem Dafoe was the mastermind villain behind the schemes; you da man Dafoe!
8. Hulk - Oh, I must not know what I’m talking about to list this here! This film didn’t conform to the typical comic book structure! Ang Lee used imagery to conjure up contrast between the hideous monster and the beauty of nature- we don’t understand symbolism and this movie made us feel sad! Well too bad, losers… Yes, Hulk wasn’t the typical comic book movie, and yes, Ang Lee decided to show the darker side of the character and his emotional trauma ties to his lovers and family members- that’s life, buddy. Deal with it; not everything is peaches and cream and cinnamon and gravy. By the way, I haven’t seen the new Hulk movie so I can’t list it. I would say I’m sorry but I’m not.
7. Batman Begins - This was a great flick. Christian Bale is always great, and who doesn’t love Liam Neeson? Not to mention Gary Oldman, one of the greatest actors EVER, plays Lieutenant Jim Gordon as he was meant to be played. This film has it all, except, wait a minute, something isn’t right… Oh Zorgo, Katie Fucking Holmes? Horrible, horrible actress, who was completely horrible in every scene in which she appears in this movie. Some troglodytes will try to argue that this is the best Batman movie. Wrong! Sorry folks, but if Katie Holmes had been kicked out of the audition and they cast, let’s say, Christina Ricci instead, you may have had a case. As it stands, however, your argument is unfounded and will be dismissed by me.
6. Sin City - Since I don’t read comic books, this movie confused me greatly at times. It did, however, feature a serious cast and was shot with some style. Very cool movie, and the sequel is coming out very soon.
5. Iron Man - This one kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I just saw it about a week ago, and I ate 4 Reeces Peanut Butter Cups (best candy ever, and good idea for a new top 10 list!) as well as a big bag of buttered popcorn and a large soda. It was a good night. Robert Downy Junior looks like he’s not gonna be around for too much longer, but the guy can flat out act. Terrence Howard was solid, The Dude was a very believable bad guy, and I always appreciate the acting prowess of the lovely Gwyneth Paltrow. All around quality with some great, not too CGI-y special effects made Iron Man a very enjoyable experience.
4. Batman Returns - Tim Burton should have been put in charge of all the Batman movies and we wouldn’t have had those 2 or 3 crap-fests that came after this one. Danny DeVito was a great Penguin, and I just love the scene where he bites that snobby guy’s nose- classic. I love Christian Bale, but Michale Keaton was the best Bruce Wayne and Batman ever, bar none. Plus this flick featured the man, Chris Walken, as the evil and very slimy Max Shreck.
3. Dick Tracy - When I was little and I saw Dick Tracy, I didn’t like it. My mid was that of a child’s, similar to that of today’s adult, and I didn’t fully grasp what the director was doing and the idea behind the scenery and cinematography. Once I saw it as an adult, however, I realized just how great this movie actually is. Al Pacino as Alphonse "Big Boy" Caprice makes this flick the number 3 greatest comic book movie ever.
2. V For Vendetta - Great plot, great acting; not much else I need to say. I didn’t even know this was a comic book until recently, but the film stands on it’s own- Natalie Portman’s solid acting and tight little posterior don’t hurt either.
1. Batman - Tim Burton, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton. I think the Dark Knight will be great, but if it surpasses the original I will be flabbergasted. That’s alls I gots to say about that playa.
The Top 10 Comic Book Movies of All Time

10. X-Men - Now might be a good time to mention I never actually read any comic books. Only nerds, like you nerds, read these things. However, I damn sure know a quality movie when I sees it. X-Men was good. That wolfie guy with the claws was scary yet ever so gentle. And who doesn’t like the purple hot chick? Am I right? Huh? Am I?
9. Spiderman - From the guy who Dr. Gonzo and Mr. Raul Duke traumatized to a bad ass super hero Rico Suave type, Tobey Mac sure has made some progress. This was a cool movie because it’s real. And I believe Willem Dafoe was the mastermind villain behind the schemes; you da man Dafoe!
8. Hulk - Oh, I must not know what I’m talking about to list this here! This film didn’t conform to the typical comic book structure! Ang Lee used imagery to conjure up contrast between the hideous monster and the beauty of nature- we don’t understand symbolism and this movie made us feel sad! Well too bad, losers… Yes, Hulk wasn’t the typical comic book movie, and yes, Ang Lee decided to show the darker side of the character and his emotional trauma ties to his lovers and family members- that’s life, buddy. Deal with it; not everything is peaches and cream and cinnamon and gravy. By the way, I haven’t seen the new Hulk movie so I can’t list it. I would say I’m sorry but I’m not.
7. Batman Begins - This was a great flick. Christian Bale is always great, and who doesn’t love Liam Neeson? Not to mention Gary Oldman, one of the greatest actors EVER, plays Lieutenant Jim Gordon as he was meant to be played. This film has it all, except, wait a minute, something isn’t right… Oh Zorgo, Katie Fucking Holmes? Horrible, horrible actress, who was completely horrible in every scene in which she appears in this movie. Some troglodytes will try to argue that this is the best Batman movie. Wrong! Sorry folks, but if Katie Holmes had been kicked out of the audition and they cast, let’s say, Christina Ricci instead, you may have had a case. As it stands, however, your argument is unfounded and will be dismissed by me.
6. Sin City - Since I don’t read comic books, this movie confused me greatly at times. It did, however, feature a serious cast and was shot with some style. Very cool movie, and the sequel is coming out very soon.
5. Iron Man - This one kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I just saw it about a week ago, and I ate 4 Reeces Peanut Butter Cups (best candy ever, and good idea for a new top 10 list!) as well as a big bag of buttered popcorn and a large soda. It was a good night. Robert Downy Junior looks like he’s not gonna be around for too much longer, but the guy can flat out act. Terrence Howard was solid, The Dude was a very believable bad guy, and I always appreciate the acting prowess of the lovely Gwyneth Paltrow. All around quality with some great, not too CGI-y special effects made Iron Man a very enjoyable experience.
4. Batman Returns - Tim Burton should have been put in charge of all the Batman movies and we wouldn’t have had those 2 or 3 crap-fests that came after this one. Danny DeVito was a great Penguin, and I just love the scene where he bites that snobby guy’s nose- classic. I love Christian Bale, but Michale Keaton was the best Bruce Wayne and Batman ever, bar none. Plus this flick featured the man, Chris Walken, as the evil and very slimy Max Shreck.
3. Dick Tracy - When I was little and I saw Dick Tracy, I didn’t like it. My mid was that of a child’s, similar to that of today’s adult, and I didn’t fully grasp what the director was doing and the idea behind the scenery and cinematography. Once I saw it as an adult, however, I realized just how great this movie actually is. Al Pacino as Alphonse "Big Boy" Caprice makes this flick the number 3 greatest comic book movie ever.
2. V For Vendetta - Great plot, great acting; not much else I need to say. I didn’t even know this was a comic book until recently, but the film stands on it’s own- Natalie Portman’s solid acting and tight little posterior don’t hurt either.
1. Batman - Tim Burton, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton. I think the Dark Knight will be great, but if it surpasses the original I will be flabbergasted. That’s alls I gots to say about that playa.
K-1 GP2008 IN TAIPEI: Ruslan Karaev VS Young Hyun Kim
Fast forward to 3:20, this guy who looks like he's about 7 feet tall gets rocked.
Chase Utley to New York Fans: "F-ck you"
Chase Utley gets booed by New York Fans when announced at the Home Run Derby Last Night, and responds by saying "Fuck you".
Living Legends - Snoop Dogg and Chuck D
Check out the next "Living Legends" (Youtube's own segment/promotion) featuring Snoop Dogg and Chuck D (Public Enemy). These two are the second "Living Legends" to be featured by Youtube, the first being the Rolling Stones.
Caddyshack - Cinderella Man w/ Bill Murray
The more you watch Caddyshack, the more you appreciate it. I've only seen it about 1000 times, and still can't get enough. "350 yards out, looks like he's got about a 5 iron".
Another Dramatic Compilation
Here's another Dramatic Compilation, with our video "Dramatic Kitty" included with the Drama Prairie Dog (Dramatic Gopher) and the Dramatic Lemur.
Da Bush Babees - "Remember We"
The music video for "Remember We" by Da Bush Babees. These guys are pretty much the most underrated rap group of all time if you ask me. Every comment on every one of their videos is positive, and wishing that hip-hop was still like this today.
Bush - "Machinehead"
The music video for "Machinehead" by Bush. I love the description on Youtube - "Whoever did this video for Bush probably got paid too much." That may be true, but either way, good song from back in the day.
Cover of the Beastie Boys "Alive"
I don't think that this guy is trying to be funny, but he happens to be hilarious. This is the best cover song on Youtube.
Hahahaha, in all seriousness though, this is the best cover song on Youtube.
Hahahaha, in all seriousness though, this is the best cover song on Youtube.
Rare Live Sublime - Rock the Boat (3/5)
This is part 3 from a show Sublime did called "Rock the Boat" on March 24th, 1991, and it features some more songs that can't be found anywhere!!! This is just Part 3 of 5, so look out for the next 2 coming soon.
Track List:
1. Minor Threat
2. Crazy (Patsy Cline Cover)
3. Womens A Tramp
Track List:
1. Minor Threat
2. Crazy (Patsy Cline Cover)
3. Womens A Tramp
Jose Canseco vs. Sikahema Boxing Video
Jose Canseco gets knocked out by Vai Sikahema in a celebrity boxing match.
Miss USA 2008 falls down at the Miss Universe 2008 pageant!
For the second consecutive year a Miss USA falls down at the Miss Universe pageant...
The Beatles - "Across the Universe"
The music video (not sure if official or not) for "Across the Universe" by the Beatles.
Improv Everywhere: Best Game Ever
From, a little league baseball game is turned into a major league event. All players, coaches, and parents do not know what is happening. We worked with the league commissioner to get the kids' names and access to the field to setup our equipment the morning of the game. He was the only one in on it. NBC Sports worked with us and got us the jumbotron and the blimp.
This is one of over 70 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past six years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made.
This is one of over 70 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past six years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made.
Drunk History Vol. 2 - Featuring Jack Black
Derek Waters presents: Drunk History vol. 2A Benjamin Franklin expert reveals his controversial theory about the discovery of electricity. Starring Jack Black and Clark Duke. Witness history as it's never been told before...Drunk.
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- ► 07/27 - 08/03 (5)
- ► 07/20 - 07/27 (17)
07/13 - 07/20
- Worst Basketball Player Ever Part 5
- Vet Saves Shark
- MIT Bunny Letter Opener
- JibJab Time for Some Campaignin'
- Another Great James Catusco Comment
- Powerthirst
- Make A Hot Girl Laugh: Jiggle All The Way (Episode...
- O.J. Mayo Drills Shot from 69 Feet
- OutKast - "Elevators (Me & You)"
- Dana White Post UFC 86
- James Catusco Comment
- Josh Hamilton Hits 28 Home Runs In Home Run Derby
- My Drive Thru - Santogold, Julian Casablancas, N.E...
- Radiohead - "House of Cards"
- The Top 10 Comic Book Movies of All Time
- K-1 GP2008 IN TAIPEI: Ruslan Karaev VS Young Hyun Kim
- Chase Utley to New York Fans: "F-ck you"
- Living Legends - Snoop Dogg and Chuck D
- Caddyshack - Cinderella Man w/ Bill Murray
- Another Dramatic Compilation
- Da Bush Babees - "Remember We"
- Bush - "Machinehead"
- Cover of the Beastie Boys "Alive"
- Notorious BIG - Sky's the Limit
- Rare Live Sublime - Rock the Boat (3/5)
- Jose Canseco vs. Sikahema Boxing Video
- Miss USA 2008 falls down at the Miss Universe 2008...
- The Beatles - "Across the Universe"
- Porno For Pyros - "A Little Sadness"
- Improv Everywhere: Best Game Ever
- Drunk History Vol. 2 - Featuring Jack Black
- Beck - "Where It's At"
- Juvenile - "Back That Ass Up"
- ► 07/06 - 07/13 (37)
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- ► 01/07 - 01/14 (2)
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- ► 12/17 - 12/24 (1)
- ► 11/12 - 11/19 (1)
- ► 11/05 - 11/12 (1)
- A Cat's Thoughts (12)
- A Dog's Thoughts (18)
- Adam Schleichkorn (550)
- Barry the Dog (61)
- Dan Taft (77)
- DT (43)
- Galz (69)
- Galz Breaks Records (47)
- Garrett Steinger (32)
- Hidden Track TV (499)
- James Catusco (49)
- Larry the Lizard (8)
- Lulu the Cat (15)
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- Mylo the Cat (136)
- Peter Toh (100)
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- Station Softball Reality Show (25)
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- Worst Basketball Player Ever Series (37)