I am a movie buff. I know about movies you've never even heard of. Interested? Here are 10 movies you've never heard of, (or at least haven't seen), that are better than the 10 movies YOU would list as the 10 best movies of all time. And yes, I am that pretentious.
Old Boy (action/foreign)- A Korean flick better than any Bruce Lee movie ever made, because it actually has a plot. Make sure you watch it in Korean with the subtitles on, otherwise it will be ruined. RUINED! Heed my word.
Buffalo 66 (Drama/Independent)- Ah, Vincent Gallo. This is by far his best film; Christina Ricci, Angelica Houston- need I say more? Quite different than the Albany spinoff, Buffalo 69.
Mysterious Skin (Drama/Independent)- If you can stop being such a gay-bashing homo for a couple of hours, this is one of the most emotional, heart-wrenching movies of all time. The story is woven masterfully, and the acting is great. This flick, however, is not for the weak at heart.
13 Conversations About 1 Thing (Drama/Independent)- Just a good fuckin movie.
Y Tu Mama Tambien (Foreign/Drama)- Okay, you've probably heard about this movie- but have you seen it? I thought not. Go rent it, because this is a bonafide 4 star classic.
Melinda & Melinda (Comedy)- Okay, you got me. You might have heard of this one too. But have you seen it? Oh, I did that already, never mind. Seriously though, this is probably both Will Farrell and Woody Allen's best film.
Chuck and Buck (Comedy, but not really)- Have some fun and place this movie in the children's section after you return it. You're sure to traumatize at least 1 child.
May (Horror)- This movie had just a touch of cheese, but overall, it's a great horror flick that's genuinely creepy. Definitely worth renting.
The Vanishing (Foreign/Horror)- Please make sure not to get the American version with Keefer Sutherland, because it is a cheap knockoff and it sucks big, fuzzy balls. The original Dutch version, on the other hand, has one of the most terrifying scenes in movie history.
Jacob's Ladder (Drama/Suspense)- Okay, you've heard of this movie. You may have even seen it. But when was the last time you saw it? Do yourself a favor and see it again, as it is arguably my favorite flick of all time, as well as being one of the most blatantly copied films of all time. It also is one of the creepiest movies of all time. And I am the coolest person of all time.