I don’t want to say I told you so, but, hey, what the hell… All these bandwagon riding d-bags and late comers to the party don’t have half the heart I got, doggie. Let me tell ya- I’ve been saying all season long, even when everyone else was questioning Eli and the G-Men, that these guys could go to the Super Bowl. Did I think they could win it? Of course I did! I’m a freakin’ genius. But enough about me…
I believe I called this in an earlier bloggo, but let me reiterate my thoughts. The Patriots were 18-0. Everyone gave them the Super Bowl about half way through the season. Their whole ride was a freakin’ fairy tale; and then it happened. The greatest, most ironic thing you could imagine- they lose it all in the very last moment of the very last game of the season. The legacy dies. Boston blows big dongs for the rest of the year (especially once your precious Celtics get knocked out of the playoffs by the Pistons.) Oh this is too sweet. Not a lot of people can claim they saw it coming, but I guess I can. And so I will. I saw it coming. Ha ha ha, ha hardy haha. Hahaha, ha hardy ha ha.