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The Cheese Incident on Extra!

Adam Schleichkorn Monday, June 23, 2008 , ,
On Friday, "The Cheese Incident" appeared on Extra, on NBC! We had no clue, but thankfully, we were alerted by our friend on Youtube, tonyfamous. On the show's website, they had the details to the segment, which was the two hosts picking their favorite internet "trends". They were both wake-up trends, and one picked antiquing, while the other picked, "the cheese alarm clock".

When I checked their site though, there was another clip shown as the cheese example, so I was skeptical. I got my wonderful sister to tivo the replay at 4:30 AM the other night, and it turns out that they used my clip as previews, 4 times throughout the show, and then as the main one in the actual segment! I was also happy the the hot co-host (Dayna Devon) chose it as her pick, and it wasn't the other host's, Mark McGrath.

I love the idea that it's being referred to as a trend, but I didn't even realize that there has been copycat cheesers. On Youtube, there's now over 50 cheese videos! While I'd normally be pissed for a bit getting ripped off, I actually think it's cool that so many people ran with the idea. I also clearly put out my original cheese video over a year before even the 2nd one was even made, so remember where you saw it first!
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