Check out the review of Scifentology II below from theowlmag.com
MC, Yashar Zadeh, better known as Yak Ballz brings strong material in the same vein as his previous social commentary. It's his style and he's got it down well. Verses are well thought out with sophist-a-flowic passion and he paints violent convoluted scenes of our society for sure. Yak Ballz rivals the greats like El Producto and occasionally exceeds them, emulating, replicating, and then regurgitating new questions and answers about who we are and what it all means in the urban material world. Not surprising, Aesop Rock from Def Jux, drops a guest appearance along with members of his former mates, The Weathermen. Beat production is thick and dirty in that rap rock way but with serious integrity. Yak Ballz keeps improving and evolving along with our ever-changing world in to new formal ideas and is definitely one to keep in your back pocket during angry contemplative times.
- Grant Inaba
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