1. Dave Chappelle
2. George Carlin
3. Richard Pryor
4. Eddie Murphy
5. The one Dane Cook special “Vicious Circle” and some Dave Attell shit
6. Jerry Seinfeld
7. If Bill Murray ever did stand up, it was probably really good
8. Cedric the Entertainer
9. Token Female Comedian
10. I’m Funny
I will prepare more lists for the benefit of your lives in the near future.
dane ccok is mad bomb and def. should be # 1 vicous circle was mad crakin, but all his otha stuff was mad crazii 2
dane cook is way way way more funny than anybody else and should be rated number 1 in my opinion
nah kid, dane cook is mad crakin and thir aint na doubt hes numba one betta change tht quik
dane cook is wack, he shouldn't even be on this list. what about chris rock? you ask me, he's number 1 without a doubt. his worst performance would still shit on dane cook's best.
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