Best TV Shows Ever
1. The Simpsons (the first 9 years)
2. Seinfeld (Excluding the first season or 2)
3. South Park (Particularly the first 7 years)
4. Curb Your Enthusiasm
5. Flight of The Concords
6. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
7. Married With Children
8. Happy Days
9. Sports I like to Watch
10. Movie of the Week
Worst TV Shows Ever
1. Reality Shows
2. Any show you think is better than the ones on My Best TV Shows Ever List
3. Chick Flicks
4. Reba
5. Becker
6. Soap Operas
7. Golf and Tennis and Figure Skating
8. That Show Where the Guy Talks to your dead Relatives (They’re Fuckin’ Dead, OK?)
9. The News
10. Jewish Television Network
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