In 1947 a new phenomenon was introduced to the American public. Although the vast majority of people wouldn't be interested in purchasing one or able to afford one until the late 50s, TV was destined to become one of the most common and influential products ever.
Television, however, may eventually lose out to the bottomless pit of entertainment know as the world wide web. TV networks are aware of this, and they are beginning to stake their claims on the net, but this transition from TV to the Internet may provide an arena for a new phenomenon.
Entrepreneurial, talented individuals and companies may have a new frontier to explore and eventually take over, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a new generation of powerful media tycoons take control of video entertainment. The day may come sooner rather than later when a company like the one I write for, Hidden Track TV, becomes a household name. And while CBS, NBC, and the mega-channels that exist now won't be in jeopardy of going out of business, they very well may need to make room for a new breed.
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