Check out this list by:
Corinne Pariante of universitypressonline.com, as she lists her top 5 obsessive love songs, and includes "Masquerade in the Key of Crime" by The Stryder with (some) good company...
"My Bloody Valentine" -- Good CharlotteGood Charlotte is usually known for catchy pop-punk songs such as "Boys and Girls" and "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous". In this creepy number, entitiled "My Bloody Valentine," the boys of Good Charlotte sing to the girl they love. To prove their love for her, they describe in detail how they kill her boyfriend:
"He dropped you off, I followed him home
Then I, I stood outside his bedroom window
Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do 'cause I'm so in love with you
Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life"
How sweet.
"Cactus" -- PixiesThe Pixies sing despondently, of their love and desperation for a girl. It sounds sweet, but they want her to mutilate herself, stain her dress with the resulting blood and sweat just for nostalgic purposes:
"Sitting here wishing on a cement floor
Just wishing that I had just something you wore
Bloody your hands on a cactus tree
Wipe it on your dress and send it to me"
This song was also redone by the occasionally creepy David Bowie on his album, Heathen.
"Masquerade in the Key of Crime" -- The StryderThe Stryder (which have since broken up) make a beautiful, yet disturbing song about a boy out to kill his ex-girlfriend:
"It's freezing outside now.
It's crowded.
It's loud as hell in here.
My mission, to kill her.
Incision. It will hurt.
I'm staring, stop staring.
She's wearing my favorite shirt."
In the song, set to the piano, they sing how the ex-boyfriend stalks her at a party, all the while questioning whether he should kill her. He even goes as far as chasing her. The song has a shocking finale.
"Invisible" -- Clay AikenThat's right, "American Idol" runner up Clay Aiken gets a little creepy in his single, "Invisible":
"If I was invisible
Then I could just watch you in your room
If I was invincible
I'd make you mine tonight"
On first listen it seems that he is just tired of a girl not noticing him, but by listening further, you realize that he wants to keep his eye on her till she sees him. What makes it even more awkward is when he sings that he is invisible. So does that mean he has been watching this girl without her awareness? That's called stalking. CREEPY.
"867-5309 (Jenny)" -- Tommy TutoneThis one hit wonder from the eighties is quite catchy, but then the lyrics reveal that he doesn't actually know the girl, but has gotten the girl's number from the bathroom stall. This is all it takes for his obsession with Jenny to begin:
"Jenny, Jenny you're the girl for me
You don't know me but you make me so happy
I tried to call you before
But I lost my nerve
I tried my imagination
But I was disturbed
Jenny I've got your number
I need to make you mine"
While more subtle, this song still evokes the creepiness of the obsessive behavior of boys stalking the one they think they love.