Fence Plowing
Basketball in the Face...Stolen!
It's re-titled "Basketball Headshot", and this punk even adds this in the description...
Be sure to check out all my other cool videos and hit Subscribe!
You can add me to your friends if you want too =]
Check it out HERE and add a comment saying that this video is owned by Hidden Track TV!!!! You'll see it on your "Home" page too, it's the number 2 most viewed video on the Myspace Charts Today!
Yak Ballz and Peter Toh - Interview
Peter Toh - Wildlife Preview
"We all have super powers. We can use them save the world, or we can use them to destroy it. This was inspired by the relentless polarization of good and evil, the unheard cries of the truth under all of the propaganda, and the seemingly super human ability to betray even your closest family member." - PT
Music For Your Videos Part 2
Go to
for Music that You can Legally Use in Your Videos! Music for this video titled "Shoes of a Beast" by Peter Toh, starring Lulu the Drama Prairie Cat.
We have a bunch of songs available already by...
Peter Toh
Yak Ballz
The Braves ft. Canibus
Chris Glover
The Sleeping Revolt
Mourning Hour
Altered Beast
Yer Mom
The Downtown Strutters
3 Days Later
The Yucks
And Many More Coming Soon!
Erin Cupcake Punches Dude In The Face
Top 10 Chuck Norris Jokes
9. Chuck Norris' nationality is Chuck Norris.
8. Chuck Norris is bi-sexual. He doesn't like dudes or anything, he just counts as a third gender.
7. Chuck Norris is not a sports fan. Sports is a Chuck Norris fan.
6. Chuck Norris is so intense, heroin made him hyper.
5. Chuck Norris modeled his entire fighting style after Chuck Norris.
4. There are now festivals where bands gather to see Chuck Norris.
3. When Chuck Norris was a baby, he nursed his mother.
2. Chuck Norris doesn't have to try to come up with Chuck Norris jokes, he instead forces idiots on the web to do so.
1. When Chuck Norris' wife ruined dinner, he kicked her in the face.
Ferocious Cat
New Track by Yak Ballz
Yak Ballz - Making of Scifentology II (Part 3)
Yak Ballz Interview
Another One from We Wore Masks
Here's the post, which you can also go to directly HERE

so in case we didn't make it obvious before, we love peter toh. i honestly believe dude's doing something new and different in underground music (and being the tastemaker i am, i'm pretty sure i'm right). i also think that's why the masses haven't caught on yet. well, they will.. or they'll be missing out. make sure you don't miss out, and check out his new track (called "heroes") he posted last week on his myspace page. it's got so much soul, i'm pretty sure you'll run out of your front door and grind on the first person you see. he also posted a blog entry and bulletin post about us, which we pretty much screamed like little girls about. GET EM TOH.
Bob Levy Mispronounces More Words
Upcoming Shows
January, 4 2008 - 8:00P - Avalon Sacramento
805 15th Street
Sacramento , CA
For tickets go to
January, 5 20078 - 7:00P - The Great American Music
Hall in San Fransisco
859 O'Farrell Street
San Francisco , CA
For tickets go to
If Itunes Was the Only Music Store In the World
The labels could set their own prices for their catalogue, special features and upgrades. They could also give users the rest of their catalogue as it's released for the rest of the year and then offer a membership extension for the following year. You would also have access to all previous catalogue material for extra fees. A selling point could be something like "buy now and get your selection of any 8 previous artists free!" The illegally ripped versions would not give you Membership status like the ipod would. There are a lot of advantages to accompanying the music file with an electronic device. They can provide play count, other stats, and user trends back to the Record Label through the internet and wi-fi. It would be the new Soundscan. They can also be used as physical keys to enter member areas of websites granting access to more media or even physical goods at the local store like a credit card. A user could remain anonymous and the store or label can use the device to recognize registered members.
Maybe this method could also help create more valuable material by making it easier to develop artists. An artist could supply the label with it's own productions and the label could then "test" the project in the marketplace. The Label owned ipod could supply the new and/or established artist stats and then decide on future of that artist's relationship to the company or that artist's royalties. This could reduce marketing costs for labels and artists, because a label you would be cross promoting every artist on your roster every time you promote just one of them. Or if you promote the label containing all of them.
An artist could have creative control. As an artist you could make a video without your face in it and have all of your songs be 6 or 8 minutes long without having to market them singularly on traditional means like tv and radio, unless you wanted to. You could release a weekly ipod show if you wanted too. If the people don't like it, the label will know. Aren't there musicians out there who produce amazing results without being television friendly or even live friendly? Artists worthy of at least a job if not worldwide fame through publicity and the restraints of those methods? A song/video/show included with the catalogue and tracked to see if people like or dislike? An organic buzz for unknown artists could be attained easier. The Labels would know who is selling the most ipod real estate out of their roster and who is not being listened to at all.
A record label would have to market the whole label and therefore be forced to really consider the sound and identity of their artist roster. What as a company are we contributing to the music world? How can we gain loyalty from our fans? How can we increase the dollar value of our catalogue?
The actual stores would then have the responsibility to provide customers that do not own computers or have internet access the ability to shop for music. They would have to cut inventory and introduce ATM like kiosks that you could plug in and shop with. Also supply any other merchandise that the artists provide. Taking the member ipods and plugging them in like a swiping credit card to actually buy merchandise like clothing.
I think it's like the world ending. It might be up to the powers that be to say, "we're losing everything, you, you and you get in this boat that we built, let's find a new beginning because our home is dying, the stronger of you will row because we'll all sink if you don't."
Samsung Juke Music Video Contest
Bleeding Deacons Jamming with Beetlejuice
Sal the Stockbroker and Richard Christy Prank Beetlejuice
Yak Ballz - Method to Madness Live at CMJ
We Wore Masks: Peter Toh

peter toh is straight up about the hustle. the brooklyn native (and former lead singer of equal vision records band the stryder) is constantly updating his myspace, website, and youtube channel with new shit. new demos, videos, and so on.. the man simply doesn't quit. he also co-runs one of the more diverse record labels out, hidden track media. i was going to put up his latest release, the shoes of a beast ep, but instead i'm putting up his hard to come by debut, the cleopatra ep. in addition, i'm posting a few of his recent demos packaged together with the two singles from the shoes of a beast ep. if you like what you hear, i highly, highly recommend going to his myspace page, where you can purchase the ep directly from him for a few bucks. as for what he sounds like, i'll let him tell you:
"i'm not an indie musician, i'm not pop, i'm not hip hop, i'm not rock, or r&b. i'm an artist and i make music that fits into one of two categories: the type you like at the moment or the type that you don't like at the moment. all you need to know about me is i'm never afraid and i promise to always blur the lines, take chances, and grow. forever."
Click Here to go to the actual post, and be sure to check out for their very cool Music Blog, where they tell you what you should be down with in all things music and pop culture..
Music by Peter Toh, made available by
White Men Can't Dunk
Sal the Stockbroker Falls Off the Stage in Lakeland
An Exclusive Look into Scifentology II - Part 2
An Exclusive Look into Scifentology II
Yak Ballz TV is Here!
Go to and Click SUBSCRIBE for new videos added every week...
The Killers of Comedy are coming to Youtube
Subscribe at This is the preview video for the Killers of Comedy Official Youtube Channel. Featuring The Reverend Bob Levy, Jim Florentine, Sal "The Stockbroker" Governale, Shuli, Richard Christy, Yucko the Clown, and Beetlejuice, as heard on the Howard Stern Show. Music by Peter Toh provided by
I'm in my last year of grad school, and I'm doing my thesis on the Marketing Potential of Youtube. For that, I'm going to be running Hidden Track TV like always, mixed in with the Killers of Comedy, and our New Channel, Music For Your Videos. I felt like it was neccessary to explain these last few commercials, and to assure you that we have some great new videos coming to Hidden Track TV very soon! I also wanted to give a huge thanks to all our subscribers, and if you get a chance, subscribe to all 3 channels!
- Adam Schleichkorn
Hidden Track TV
Music For Your Videos
We're making select tracks available to use in your Youtube videos. Copyrighted/Illegally-Used Music keeps your videos from getting featured! Music from Peter Toh, D.O.T., Yak Ballz, The Braves, Coma, Q45, Altered Beast, and many more coming soon!
Subscribe today
New Youtube Channel!

Please subscribe to our new channel
Forget worrying about copyrights, and getting your video taken down...
We're making a bunch of our tracks available to use in your Youtube videos from Peter Toh, D.O.T., The Braves, Coma, Q45, and more!
D.O.T. and Mysonne - "Da Bronx" Music Video
Hidden Track TV Announces Content Partnership with
This is the first spot that we can have all our videos, music, and blogs on one actual page, so basically it's like a cooler version of myspace! So go to and add us as a friend today!
Life is Good when...
Hidden Track TV on Metacafe
The Showdown is Back!!!
Styles P and Mysonne - "Da Bronx" Video Shoot
D.O.T. and NORE
D.O.T. ft Mysonne - "Da Bronx" Video Shoot
Xgobobeanx and Hidden Track TV Collaboration!
The Braves Drop their album!

Our good friends, The Braves (Chief Sneed, Solo 45), released their first album yesterday titled "Reporting Live" featuing - Guest Appearance by: Canibus - Production by: Sneed, Domingo, Kno, Alias & Green Tank. - All cuts by: Total Eclipse of The X-ecutioners. Go to and buy the album right from their page!
Check out the write-up on their trip to LA to do a couple of shows, Written by Kristin Lee (FFTT Contributor)...
The weekend started off swiftly after delayed flights from New York to Atlanta to Los Angeles. The Braves (of Brooklyn, New York) managed to arrive at Evocal just in time to catch the end of SS Nova’s set and start their own.
The Braves - Brooklyn NYC The extended flight didn’t drain the hip-hoppers of an ounce of energy as they instantaneously rolled into their set with vim and vigor. Drinks were flowing and the crowd was swaying with the beat as the two mesmerized the audience with their microphones. It seemed as if the fun had just begun when they ended with a finale of battling keyboards and drum machines. The world came to a standstill before the room erupted with applause, laughter, screams and whistles. It simmered down, and there were hellos, hugs and drinks all around.
I had the privilege of spending the remainder of the weekend with the two New Yorkers, who go by their emcee names of Sneed and Solo. Amongst the highlights our many adventures in just three short days were forceful groupies, car wrecks, and lots of bubbly. The two were practically chased out of Evocal late Friday night by some young females before saving me from the side of the interstate at three in the morning (long story short: no one was hurt).
We managed to see the likes of the greater Los Angeles area between trips to In-N-Out, eccentric shoe stores, and cocktails. Saturday night, The Braves graced the stage of The Mint in West LA, peforming before a full house. Check their MySpace page in the near future for photos taken by yours truly.
To put a nice cap on a wild weekend in Cali, we suited up for a last supper at In-N-Out before catching a flick. On our way out the door, I was awarded a private concert in the foyer of my house, as the two went back and forth beatboxing and freestyling amongst themselves. I sat back and watched the pair play off of one another, and realized that the synergy between these two was the key to their imminent success. Finding humor along the road only sends them soaring further.
“Solo, you want a piece of gum man?”
“Nah, I swallowed mine while beatboxing.”
Smiles all around. Don’t miss The Braves next time they roll through your town.
Blunty3000 and Hidden Track TV Collabo
Some New Spots to find Hidden Track TV

Myspace TV
Also the Drama Prairie Cat Exclusive Interview is featured on! . Check out Motiono's Featured Pets Videos.
D.O.T. - "Haters" Music Video
The music video for "Haters" by D.O.T. For more tracks from D.O.T. go to and for more videos, go to Beat by Al Streets, filmed and co-directed by Peter Toh, edited and co-directed by Adam Schleichkorn. - Hidden Track TV
Exclusive Interview with The Drama Prairie Cat!
An exclusive interview with the Drama Prairie Cat was scheduled, but due to tight booking she cancelled. Thankfuly we were able to interview the Drama Prairie Cat's real-life brother, Mylo! This is a very exclusive interview, hosted by Adam Schleichkorn.
The Latest from Hidden Track TV
Goats on a Boat
In August 2006, while Samuel L. Jackson was fighting "Snakes on a Plane", 30,000 feet below there where "GOATS ON A BOAT". This is a sketch done completely by our long-time friends at 3rd Floor Productions (Michael Maccarone and Anthony Ragazzo) and we're posting it here to get them the attention they truly deserve! Check out their other great sketches at and
Coma - Doin' Time (Sublime Cover)
Coma performs a cover of Doin' Time (Summertime) by Sublime. Check out for some tracks, and check our channel for more from Coma.
Ask Galz - The Best Advice on Youtube
Ask Galz is an on-going advice segment made for Youtubers, by Youtubers. Ask Galz your questions via video response or message, and he will answer you back right away, with the best advice you will ever receive.
Pedros Fest Biking Competition
Highlights from Pedros Fest 2007 Biking Competition. Clips supplied with full permission from Gary of Music by Peter Toh. 1st Track - "Dance Under the Stars" Main Track - "That's the Way it Goes".
Drama Prairie Cat - Shoes of a Beast
Hidden Track TV's "Shoes of a Beast" response to the Drama Prairie Dog video, Drama Prairie Cat.
Drama Prairie Cat - Kill Bill
Hidden Track TV's Kill Bill response to the Drama Prairie Dog video, Drama Prairie Cat.
Drama Prairie Cat
Hidden Track TV's response to the Drama Prairie Dog video, Drama Prairie Cat. We know that we'll never compare to the original, but we had to do it.
Peter Toh - Shoes of a Beast
Peter Toh's music video for his first single, "Shoes of a Beast" Check out more at and subscribe to
D.O.T. featuring Peter Toh
D.O.T. and Peter Toh perform in the hallway in Brooklyn. This song is brand new, and they are still deciding on a title.
Muchnik for Mayor
A commercial for a candidate running for mayor of Long Island's coolest town, Huntington.
The Cheese Incident
We wake up our friends by throwing wet American cheese in their faces.
Peter Toh - When We Were A Team
Peter Toh performs "When we were a team" acoustic in his kitchen in Brooklyn.
Botham City - Crazy Trumpet Solo
Zach Botham aka Botham City performs a crazy trumpet solo live at a show with The Braves (Chief Sneed, Solo 45). For more of Zach's trumpet performances, check out all of Peter Toh's live videos.
Peter Toh - Brand New Start ft. Botham City
Peter Toh performs "Brand New Start" with Zach Botham aka Botham City in their apartment in Brooklyn.
The Ham Attack
We wake up our boy by throwing wet sliced ham at him.
Coma - Grey Acoustic
An acoustic version of "Grey" by Coma. This is a member of Hidden Track TV's extended fam...
A while back, a kid walked directly into my apartment and asked "who's the kid with the studio." When I reluctantly answered that that was me he sat down in it and demanded that a mic be set up and a beat get played. This being totally out of the ordinary I obliged. He just let his voice go over whatever came his way. Giving me chills every few bars. He picked up an acoustic and played Deftones songs better than any acoustic Deftones performance I've heard.
Here is the first official Hidden Track TV broadcast of Steve Hall AKA Coma. Let this be a similar introduction that I had to this emmense raw talent. You can here his recordings at or see more of his vids at ENJOY!
Basketball in the Face
The boss gets nailed with a basketball in the face. Featuring a cameo by The worst basketball player ever, James Catusco.
Peter Toh - Only Chance Acoustic with Botham City
Peter Toh and Botham City perform "Only Chance" acoustic in their kitchen.
Quiksilver Contest - Hidden Track TV
Hidden Track TV's entry for the Quiksilver contest...Music - "Shoes of a Beast" by Peter Toh (used with full permission and rights) and video supplied by Quiksilver.
Peter Toh - Trifecta
Peter Toh creates a song and video simultaneously in his Brooklyn apartment. Starring Allie LaPorte, and James Catusco's cat Milo. This is Peter's first self made video...Even though I have two music videos under my belt I feel like this is my first one. I shot and edited this video myself with Adam's handheld camcorder. That's ADAM SCHLEICHKORN. The idea came to me as a video and the song was made for the video. I filmed all of my vocal takes in my bedroom so I could use the actual footage for the video. I used Logic Pro 7.2 to record it. I used imovie which is the free mac program to edit it. The pretty lady is Allie LaPorte. I couldn't thank her enough for believing in me.
The images are memories. I left the lyrics open ended without finishing sentences, there is no hook or verse. The song has three meanings to me personally, has three repetitions in each line and ends on the three minute mark. At least it did before youtube compressed it. Also, I posted a blog when I finished at 4:34 but the computer posted the time as 3:33 for some reason. wtf.
Some people might notice that "It's my lucky day," is the famous Bush quote when he refered to 9-11 by saying, "it's my lucky day, I hit the trifecta." The song is not political, but the number three is widely known as lucky, but also widely known as being closely linked to tragedy.
There's always a 3rd part of the story though, which is not tragic or lucky. Just true.
Worst Basketball Player Ever Part 3 Featured on Youtube!
"Child" demo on myspace
so from start to finish logic made these two songs happen. the drums are all being triggered from the logic sampler with my own samples. on top of that I put a real bass direct into logic and use the plug ins that come with logic to make it jump. I also put the guitar direct and used guitar amp pro that also just comes with logic. all the other sounds and instruments came directly from logics built in synths.
the coolest thing for me is even after I recorded my bass and guitar I was able to freely change the key and tempo of the WHOLE sequence to match where I wanted to sing it. all I had to do was turn my audio regions into apple loops with apple loop utility which happens all within logic. after that it shifted with global changes to the song perfectly. that's what's up
back to the songs. "empire" and "child" they just sketches on the laptop that I put together in a couple days. these days its good enough for me. eventually these two songs will grow up into grown ups and end up in the abstract ratrace I call "wildlife"
"empire" demo finished
New Peter Toh Song!
BX Best
My friends both on the cover!

lil mama like fam to me here's the write up,breihan,76567,22.html
rebecca on the cover of vice!

that's my friend rebecca schiffman on the right. here's the article
congrats ladies!
Sandbox TV!
A Man Among Cats
Hidden Track TV
Shoes of a Beast Video Featured on MVSPY
Ages video featured on
Many thanks to the folks at Grouper! Click Here for the direct link.
More sites featuring the Ages Video
Many thanks to all of them for posting!
Vote for Peter Toh on MVSPY
Ages on Musicglob
"I hadn’t heard of Peter Toh until this week and I am really impressed. This video is first of all extremely well done. The cinematography is beautifully in sync with the song. The song itself is infectious. I can’t help but listen to it. It’s gotta be the beat or something - or everything.
I may be a douchebag for saying this, but this song/video + Peter Toh have all the qualities to be the next Justin Timberlake. Sick beats, the lyrics/voice, and the subtle hint of pop to set mtv and all the kids on fire.
I’ll most likely be writing more on Peter Toh in the future so keep a look out."
Many thanks to Dan at Musiglob for a great write-up and for posting the Ages vid. Be sure to check out his page at
Ages Video featured on MVSPY
Ages Video featured on Sharkle
Ages Music Video by Peter Toh
My video featured on - 'Fence Plowing': The Term Paper
Adam Schleichkorn, the creator of the original "fence plowing" video, wrote to me to share his story about what really happened with the video. It's funny because his story reads like a "totally wired" marketing case study. While Adam and his friend may have deliberately posted the video to attract eyeballs and attention to their record label, I still feel like the essence of my post the other day holds true, especially for the kids who copied him. Adam's note is very long (he included a term paper he wrote about the whole experience) so I'll start it here and continue it in the extended entry.
Also, just a reminder, I'm en route to SXSW tomorrow (Friday) leaving on a 6 a.m. shuttle so I won't be posting again until Monday morning....
From Adam's email:
I just wanted to give you some background on fence plowing. I feel as if there is no possible way to clear my name, but at least I can attempt to give my side of the story. I am a 25 year old grad student, and the record label mentioned, was co-founded by myself and Peter Toh a little over a year ago. I absolutelty do not promote vandalism, and I never meant to cause it either. If you could take a look, the following is a rough draft of a paper for grad school, regarding the entire situation. I am presenting this to you because I respect your opinion, as well as an attempt to let people know where I'm coming from.
You can read Adam's paper in the extended entry...
About 4 years ago, I started creating videos with the sole purpose of making fun of my friends. I made a dvd of about 20 bits, and passed it out to 30 of my friends. I was entirely self-taught every step of the way, and I enjoyed the fact that I was capable of learning on my own. As the time went on, people started to see vast improvements in my writing, filming, and editing, and I suddenly felt the constant need to expand my audience of 30 friends. So I started to expand my material, to attempt to appeal to as many people outside my circle of friends. The next dvd I made was for about 50 of my friends, and the third I passed out to 86 people. For me, the fact that 86 people were watching my work was so cool. I then thought that if each of them showed one friend, I'm at over 170 viewers, and I really am getting myself out there.
Fast forward to a year and a half ago. At this point in time, we started to see numerous amounts of user-created video websites. I now had about 80 videos under my belt, and I originally thought that this is a great way to direct my friends, and no longer have to make a physical dvd. Although people still don't realize it, I saw a year and a half ago that these sites had the potential to do to dvds what iTunes and MySpace did to cds, make them obsolete. I never really thought about the "random" people that could possibly view my work as well.
At this point in time, YouTube was nowhere near the powerhouse that they are today. I started by uploading a bunch of my videos to (which was by far the leader at the time, just after it was bought out by Viacom) and also on I would frequently check iFilm to see my views, and in my mind, each video getting over 100 plays was a huge success. I basically forgot about, it seemed as if iFilm was my greatest concern. I even signed up for a YouTube account, and just never uploaded anything because it didn't even seem worth the time back then. Why worry about any other but the "big dog", ifilm. After about 6 months, I checked out my videos on, assuming that I would have about 20 total views. Much to my surprise, I had over 250,000 views, all made possible by 5 of my videos getting featured. This totally blew the door open, and made me really start to think about this still new phenomenon.
Now we're at about 10 months ago. A couple months before, I co-founded a record label (Hidden Track Music Group) with Peter Toh and I took on all the internet marketing responsibilities. My main focus was MySpace for months, but all that was going on with my videos made me start to make the shift of our company to YouTube. I started by putting my work on my channel and Peter Toh's on his own channel. Eventually Peter's music video for "Shoes of a Beast" ended up on the"top-rated of all-time" list, driving more traffic to it than we ever imagined, and we sat down to really discuss the future of our label.
The conclusion we came to was to combine all of our videos, and attempt to generate as much traffic as possible. Our channel on youtube started growing, with the help of myspace, our original content, and word-of-mouth, but we still needed another "YouTube hit" to really give us a name.
We are now at February 2nd, 2007 and I turn on the tv, and see the headline, "Fence Plowing is the Latest Teen Craze" and then see them play my video! All I could think was, is this really happening? Kids were mocking my video and getting arrested? My first reaction was to change the keywords, and make all my serious work for the record label come up, and it was the best thing I could've done. I then started to see this story and my video on every single news channel, and then the next thing I know, Newsday is calling me for an interview! When they called tried to develop the story into what it actually was, "a marketing ploy by I attempted, that actually worked." They weren't too interested, but nevertheless, they wrote a very positive article about me starting a very negative thing. I was able to strongly speak against vandalism, and doing so lead me to FOX News, and The NY Times among others.
I knew the whole story was news-worthy, but the media was no having it. It then seemed like my 15 minutes of fame was winding down, until ABC News called my and came to my house for an interview. Although they made it like I'm the person responsible for all internet violence, (the media at it's best) they finally put the spin on it that this is a new form of marketing. The interview that put it over the top though was on 20/20, where myself, and the reporter were able to make these points legitimate. I was able to say that "this video was made for 30 people, and due to the power of the internet, it was viewed by tens of thousands". That really is the bigger picture. Also that this new for of marketing exists, and so many people still have no clue.
This whole experience really taught me a lot. First of all, be EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA careful what you say. I was extremely careful, and still several of my words were manipulated and taken out of context. Second, you never know what one thing will lead to. When I was live on FOX News, a part of me was dying to yell out "Bababooey" or "Howard Stern" but I now see if I did, I never would've been considered to do any other interviews. I had one chance to secure myself in Howard Stern history, but now I'm going to have to be content with the news and the others. People don't understand that for a 25 year old guy from Long Island, there are much bigger things than national news. My friends don't watch the news. Cute girls don't watch the news. The coolest thing to me was my clip played on The Jimmy Kimmel Show and The Tom Green Show. The fact that these people that I looked up to, are they are commenting on my video, is absolutely unreal.
Third, there is an old saying, "The luckiest people are the hardest workers." I know that for all of this to happen to me, I just caught some of the best luck ever, but it was not like I was sitting around waiting for it to happen. I've made over 100 comedy bits, and over 50 music pieces. Yes, some are mediocre, some are worse than mediocre, but some are just good, no matter what way you look at it. I feel that if this one didn't attract that attention, it was only a matter of time.
Fourth, I have realized that I love the hate. I am referring to all these idiotic comments surrounding my idiotic video. I just love reading people's irrational takes on my work, and the few lucky ones get put in their place by my responses. The fact that I am pissing them off so much, that they have to take even more time to express their anger with words, is what makes it all worth it. The fact that this did warrant such a response means I did something right.
A month ago people were telling me to get a new "hobby" referring to YouTube. Today, I've already been in contact with 3 production companies, and I have the possibility after all this time to actually start getting paid from this. Established acts are contacting us to put their material on our YouTube channel. Regarding the fence plowing story, many people have pointed out that today's youth are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame, however they can get it. I think it's human nature to want to be in the public eye. The vast majority of our society goes through life without even making a small blip on the radar, so if I could get on tv or in the newspaper, I'm doing it. I'm especially going to do it to promote or divert any attention possible to my record label (which ended up happening!) The fact that I've been accused of single-handedly dumbing down America, and starting the trend of people taping their mischief for others to see couldn't be more inaccurate, or flattering.
1. CBS
3. NY Times
4. Newsday
5. [yeah baby!]
6. FOX News
7. ABC News
8. ABC 20/20
9. The Jimmy Kimmel Show
10. The Tom Green Show
11. Fence Plowing Video - 'Fence Plowing' Is The New Cow Tipping
I grew up in the South, but I'll admit, I've never tipped a cow. Talked about it, laughed about it, heard stories of kids who tried to do it (and mostly failed), but never did it. Still, it was one of those things - scary, crazy and seemingly funny to do as a teen or college student (I love animals, please don't be mad PETA). If you were going to tip a cow, it's not something you would attempt alone. Not because cows are huge and could potentially wake up and maybe chase you or just moo really loudly. It's because you wanted your friends there to do it with you and so you and your friends could then have a great story to tell all the kids who weren't there. You see where I'm going...
Now that teens can post video online, they can record crazy stunts for posterity. Part of the reason Jackass is so popular with teen boys is because it taps right into their impulsiveness, love of gross out humor and daredevil nature and desire to impress their friends. The rise of online video has empowered teens boys to create their own stunts and record them (see Dare Junkies). And just as there have always been Jack Ass copycats (some who met very bad fates), if some teens do something other teens think is h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s, it will be copied.
Fence Plowing on 20/20
Dangerous Web Trends on ABC News
NY Times - Teenagers Misbehaving, for All Online to Watch

DEER PARK, N.Y., Feb. 8 — Dozens of teenage boys
hovered outside Deer Park High School Thursday
afternoon, some holding schoolbooks, some holding
skateboards and some holding camera-equipped
cellphones to record the proceedings.
“There’s going to be a fight,” said one boy with
shaggy hair over his eyes. “Anything funny or crazy
that people would want to see and talk about, we tape
it and post it online.”
School officials shooed the boys away, and at a
Starbucks nearby, 17-year-old Gary Buley-Neumar
explained: “Kids beat up other kids and tape it, just
so other kids will see it and laugh. Or they just post
stupid things they did online so other kids will look
at their Web page.”
The police are watching as well. On Feb. 2, Deer Park
officers announced that five teenagers had been
arrested for fence-plowing — a recent fad that
involves youths taking a running start and hurling
themselves into a fence, sending slats flying. The
authorities said the teenagers may have been imitating
a popular YouTube video posted last year that received
three and a half stars and had nearly 70,000 viewers.
Last month, after viewing a video of the beating of a
13-year-old girl that was broadcast on Web sites
including MySpace, Photobucket and YouTube, the
authorities arrested three freshman girls from nearby
North Babylon High School.
Such sites are flooded with teenage-fight videos, and
there are many sites, like, devoted
solely to similar acts. In response to such
cyberbullying, Steve Levy, the Suffolk County
executive, recently asked school districts to
designate a staff Internet monitor to watch for
Web-posted misbehavior among students.
Schoolyard scraps, spectacular skateboard spills,
puppy-love quarrels, goofy antics like placing a slice
of American cheese over the face of a snoring buddy,
and bruising stunts like hurling one’s body through a
neighbor’s wooden fence — these and other staples of
suburban teenage life have taken on a new dimension as
online cinéma vérité. Instead of being whispered about
among friends and then fading away, such rites of
ridiculousness are now routinely captured on video and
posted on the Internet for worldwide perusal, and
“Teens have been doing inappropriate things for a long
time, but now they think they can become celebrities
by doing it,” said Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of
developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Schneider
Children’s Hospital at Long Island Jewish Medical
“In the past, you’d brag to your friends in the locker
room about doing something stupid or crazy or daring,”
Dr. Adesman said. “Now the Internet provides
additional motivation. But these things can just as
easily lead to criminal prosecution as broad
In the classroom, in the cafeteria, in their bedrooms
or on the street, teenagers are quick on the draw with
the camera phone. They flip, click and post, then hope
Web users will watch them.
Most suburban teenagers, it seems, can rattle off a
litany of the latest teens-gone-wild offerings as
though they were the local multiplex listings: boys
holding cellphones under the lunch table to photograph
up girls’ skirts; an innocent kiss at a party posted
out of context on an ex-boyfriend’s Web site; someone
bursting in on friends who are in the bathroom or
sleeping, drinking or smoking; students goading
teachers into tantrums; assaulting homeless people.
“Teens always do crazy stuff, but it’s just that much
more intense and fun when you can post it,” said
Nathaniel Visneaskous, 18, of Deer Park. “When you
live in a boring town, what else is there to do?”
Parry Aftab, a New Jersey lawyer whose Web site,, offers parents help on issues like
cyberbullying, noted that “you have girls at slumber
parties taking pictures of each other in their bras
and panties, and somehow the shots wind up on a porn
“Anytime a teen is around friends now, anything they
do can be filmed and put online,” Ms. Aftab said.
“They say, ‘I can become a movie star or at least make
it onto “The Montel Williams Show.” ’ I tell them: ‘Be
careful, because what you do now is forever. When
you’re applying to college or an internship or that
dream job at MTV, people are going to look at what’s
been posted of you online.’ ”
YouTube says it reviews videos posted on its site and
removes those that violate guidelines. “If your video
shows someone getting hurt, attacked or humiliated,
don’t post,” the Web site warns.
Mr. Levy, the Suffolk County executive, said the
authorities’ Internet focus has expanded from stopping
sexual predators to making “sure the child is not
being humiliated by his or her peers on online video.”
“Some kids want their 15 minutes of fame by holding
other kids up to ridicule,” he said. “A premeditated
attack is assault, but how about the friend who plots
with the perpetrators to film it? When does that
become a crime?”
Chris Marotta, a high school junior from Huntington
Station, not far from here, said that with so many
camera phones and digital cameras around, “at any
given time, someone’s taping you.”
“Kids put their fights online for street cred,” he
noted. “If it’s a bad fight and their face is in the
video, they can get arrested.”
Nancy E. Willard, author of the 2006 book
“Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats,” said that adults
“might not consider it a great idea to post online a
video of yourself committing a crime for all to see,
but a lot of teens have this idea that life is a game
and it’s all just entertainment.”
“In doing this, they’re jostling for social position
and status, or establishing themselves in a certain
social group, or just attracting attention,” she said.
“To them, this is defining who they are and what
people think of them. The idea that ‘people know my
name’ is an affirmation of who they are.”
Indeed, Adam Schleichkorn, 25, of Huntington, has been
proclaiming himself the godfather of fence-plowing,
since his seminal 3 ½-star clip, popularized on
YouTube, was cited by the news media in reporting the
Deer Park fence-plowing arrests. Mr. Schleichkorn,
admittedly a bit old for teenage tricks, said he never
meant to promote vandalism; the video, he said, shows
his cousin hurling himself through a segment of fence
that relatives owned and that needed to be torn down
No matter. The fence-plowing frenzy, Mr. Schleichkorn
said, has driven tens of thousands of visitors to his
YouTube page, where his more serious projects — he is
a producer of films, videos and advertisements — can
also be found.
“A week ago, no one knew who I was — now my name has
been on every news and talk show,” Mr. Schleichkorn
said. “I don’t care that it’s for something stupid. I
was on Fox News cracking jokes. Maury Povich called me
“So I’m known as the fence-plowing kid,” he added. “At
least I’m known.”
Click here for the actual article
The last line is so incredibly mis-quoted, but the whole thing is still hilarious.
Fence Plowing on The Tom Green Show
I've also heard that Jimmy Kimmel played this on Friday, which is equally as cool, but I can't find it anywhere. If I do, it'll be up here as soon as I get it. Either way, with the exception of any discussion about this by the great Howard Stern, this is the coolest thing ever.
Teens arrested for "fence plowing"
Suffolk County police said they have arrested several local teenagers for vandalism involving "fence plowing."
It may or may not be the latest craze in the vein of teenage fun -- right up there with "Cow Tipping," where cows are knocked over, and the more suburban sport of driving through neighborhoods knocking over garbage cans.
It was more than a year ago, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when Adam Schleichkorn, now 25, of Huntington said to one of his cousin's friends who had been a high school football player: "Yo dude, I guarantee if you run full speed you'll go right through that fence. I bet you can do it."
He was, by his own account, "about three beers deep" at the time. He, his cousin and some friends were in the backyard of his cousin's house in Florida where there was a storm damaged fence.
Just like that, apparently, the sport of "Fence Plowing" -- running full speed through fences, knocking them down -- might have been born.
Friday morning Schleichkorn, a grad student at C.W. Post and a videotape editor involved with an indie music production company called "Hidden Track," said he has no idea if his video led to a bunch of Suffolk County teenagers vandalizing fences in Deer Park. His video account of the 'sport' was aired on broadcast reports Friday.
Schleichkorn, who has no involvement in the Deer Park incidents and was not charged, said he doesn't know any of the kids involved. He said he thinks vandalism is wrong. He said he doesn't think his video gave anyone the idea to "fence plow." He said he just taped a moment when his cousin and his cousin's friend plowed down a fence.
That's all.
"There's a fine line between brilliance and idiocy," Schleichkorn said. "I'm about somewhere right on that line . . . But, they're pushing the other side of that line a little. Mimicry might be the sincerest form of flattery, but it sucks they're vandalizing stuff. I'm totally not for that . . . Not at all."
Schleichkorn said his idea was done as a tribute to an MTV series that chronicled -- and spawned -- a whole generation of teenagers doing dumb stunts on video.
"I'm not going to sit here and say I'm an innovator by any means," said Schleichkorn, whose video titled "Fence Plowing" has been on YouTube for more than eight months now.
What annoyed Schleichkorn Friday morning, however, is that anyone might think there is a tie between his video -- and these acts of local vandalism that resulted from fence plowing. He said he has taped many other "skit" kind of videos, including something called "The Cheese Incident," where he wakes sleeping people by placing yellow American cheese on their faces. And, of course, there's the indie music stuff he produces for a local artist named Peter Toh, who Schleichkorn said "is about to blow up . . . He's the next big thing."
As for fence plowing?
"Hey man," he said, "that was just some ... little thing I did one night a while ago with some friends . . . After all I've done, I can't believe this is what people are asking about."
My video is on TV!
(02/01/07) DEER PARK - Suffolk police say the latest extreme sport craze to hit Deer Park's youth is really just vandalism.
Since October, Suffolk police have been after Deer Park teens accused of videotaping themselves "fence plowing." With five arrests of current or former Deer Park High School students made, police say the accused crash into fences head first and post videos of their conquests on Web sites, such as YouTube. Todd Kesselman installed surveillance cameras outside his home after repairing his fence on five occasions, at $200 each.
Due to their juvenile status, police are not releasing the identities of the suspects. They say some face felony criminal mischief charges, while 10 cases remain open in the area.
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Write-up in The Mag

(The one factor that made me listen up when I put on this record was the slick vocal that permeates the first track, "Runner". Peter Toh may be from Brooklyn, but his voice resides somewhere altogether more relaxed and airy.
Once you've settled into to the great vocal, you're treated to a guitar lead, but trumpet-punctuated song that updates the brat-pack by a good 50 years or so. It's indie with a touch of world pop about it and it's got a great urban feel.
"Sweaty Night" is a similar idea, but with the indie aspect displaced by an old school reggae sound. The brass instruments make a more prominent impact on this song, drifting their counter-melody amongst the parts of the track that have a vocal.
Peter Toh has fluently adapted his ideas to suit two quite different tracks, leaving an undeniable fingerprint throughout the songs.)
I would like to give many thanks to The-Mag and to Steve for such a great review! For the direct link to the article, click here.
Rehearsal At McKibbin St.
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